In the previous posts l didn’t mention the barn / loft area around the back of the property. It’s a huge space that we are converting for my car, Hugh’s motorbike and my treasures that l keep buying from all the antique markets. It can also double as a party room, after all l have 7 chandeliers hanging around, so why not put them to good use if the weather becomes bad over an event.

The barn was originally shared with the people next door, to store hay over the winter months, luckily we managed to change the “rite of passage”. This meant Hugh had to build a wall, separating the two properties, a large amount of work as this place was a lot larger than we anticipated. The walls were firstly insulated and then rustic wood was used to line the 13 meter height. My sturdy shelves are made in metal and old wood – WHOOP WHOOP, l can finally sort linen, crystal, porcelain, silver, mirrors, paintings and bedding into some sort of manageable system, Of course these items are used for entertainment NOT just because l like to collect (ok, ok, l do like to collect too).


The far side of the barn needed a level floor, originally a mix of rotting wood and piles of gravel, it wasn’t going to be an easy fix. Hugh decided, rather than laying concrete  it was a better option to baton out the floor and lay wood. This is a pretty cool space for my car – it’s even better as a dance floor!



Hugh has worked his socks off, he has managed to get a lot more done than he originally thought before the end of Autumn. My treasures, my car and Hugh’s working space is slowly getting there – what a transformation in a three month period, tackled alone and still with a check smile on his face – Well done Hughbie!



I still think the photo above makes a great dance floor!

Leaving some exposed stone, just to keep the rustic look.

Time to take a rest, next post will be in 2018 –  Happy New Year everyone!


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