Sketch for a Day or Come & Stay

I’m so excited to be able to work once again with the wonderfully talented Catherine, we worked together two years ago with Natalia @Saffronrosewellbeing and it was on this retreat I watched the creative sparks come alive in each individual, it was a magical moment!  Catherine isn’t travelling around the world and sketching with guests due to all our changed circumstances of late, so I have grabbed the opportunity to get her back up to Chalet Savoie Faire.

Sketching with Catherine

Catherine Moullé invites us to pose, to learn to look, to put down what we understand and feel of what surrounds us on our sketchbook… We will play with the inevitable mistakes of sketching on the spot. Drawing, coloring and composition – using writing and collage for fun, are going to make it very personal. Each page is a memory of a moment, of a place, and it’s a great pleasure to reopen our sketchbook a few months or years later, to rediscover the sensations experienced while we were sketching (atmosphere, encounters, etc …). Anyone who dares to try the adventure will surprise themselves creating a very personal page.

Catherine Moullé nous invite à nous poser, à apprendre à regarder, à laisser aller sur la page de notre carnet ce que nous comprenons et ressentons de ce qui nous entoure… Nous allons jouer avec les erreurs inévitables du croquis sur le vif. En composant notre page avec dessin, mise en couleur et composition – utilisant écriture et collage pour agrémenter si besoin, nous en ferons une page très personnelle. Chaque page est un souvenir d’un moment, d’un endroit. C’est un grand bonheur en rouvrant son carnet quelques mois ou années plus tard, de retrouver les sensations vécues pendant que l’on dessinait (ambiance, rencontres, etc..). Toute personne qui ose tenter l’aventure se surprendra à créer ‘sa page’.

ouvert à tous : débutants et artistes confirmés – Cours en Anglais et Français

open to every one : beginners as well as certified artists – Lessons in English and French

We have created a two night / 3 day event, although it’s also possible if you want to join us for a day retreat. If you would like to stay on for an extra night before or after the retreat please drop me an email for prices.

The schedule is as follows:

Check in on 29th September at 10.00 am

  • Welcome drinks and a brief of the days sketching. Day retreat guests join here.
  • Lunch 12.30 – 14.30 – Seasonal, fresh, organic delights await you all.
  • Sketching around Fontaine Naves
  • Dinner and drinks – Pre dinner drinks & nibbles at the bar, followed by 3 courses
  • The bottom dining hall will be set aside for you to continue your sketching – optional

30th September

  • Breakfast served from 8.00 am
  • Sketching around the little village of Ronchat, Day retreat guests join here.
  • Picnic Lunch (weather permitting) 12.30 – 14.30 – a stunning surprise setting
  • Sketching from forest lunch spot – tea and cake will appear from nowhere
  • Dinner and drinks

1st October

  • Breakfast served from 8.00am
  • Sketching around and above Grande Naves. Day retreat guests can join here
  • Lunch at Chalet Savoie Faire – on the terrace taking in the Autumnal views
  • Sketching back at the house & around the Church – afternoon teas and cake
  • Departure at 4.30 pm

Cost – 495€ pp in twin share / 595€ single room supplement 

Cost – 90€ pp Day retreat only including full days tuition – lunch with drinks and afternoon tea 


matériel :

For reservations and any further questions, please contact me on or 0771605048

If you would like to know more about Catherine, check out the link to her website:









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